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Come See Me - 2008-07-12

Water In The Trash? - 2005-04-25

Let Me Introduce You to Sally - 2005-03-28

I'm A Calendar Dyslexic - 2004-09-27

So, How's Your Life Going? - 2004-09-21

Now, How Many Weight Watchers Points are Candy Bars Again?
2003-05-11 @ 12:12 p.m.

I'm a chub.

I was talking to a guy at work and told him it looked like he had lost weight. He said he had lost "a little" and knew he needed to because his pants were fitting a "little too tight." He stated that was his weight-loss criteria; if his pants were starting to feel a little tight, time to lose a few pounds.

See, I always have a different reaction when my clothes are feeling tight, more along the lines of "Jesus, these pants have shrunk TOO?!?!?! Better to blame the dryer than my own eating habits.

My eating habits pretty much resemble those of a goat. It's not so much about amount, it more about choices. I come home from work hungry, but I'm not sure what I really want for an actual meal, so, I "graze" a bit before deciding. A few pieces of red licorice here, a handful of olives there, string cheese, pickles, a couple of cookies, the occasional tin can.... Thirty minutes later, I'm bloated, nauseous, and no where near my recommended daily allowance of calcium (though I think I've got riboflavin covered).

I just tried on some clothes and the dryer played HAVOC with last year's summer outfits. Time to go shopping for a new wardrobe (again).

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