
Janina - 2004-01-22 23:14:47
I fucking hate when people think you are on the rag just because you get upset. What, we cannotbe angry any other time of the month? Stupid people! I say you make it a picture book! I like pictures! lol
Ochre - 2004-01-23 02:58:16
I've found that an hour's of Eddy Izzard does wonders...
groovebunny - 2004-01-23 19:36:06
I would so seriously buy that book if you wrote it!
Crow - 2004-01-24 17:28:39
Someday you will look back on this and view it less as "a rotten day at work" and more like "source material for 4 best selling books and a comedy tour". Just keep telling yourself that, and maybe it'll come true. That's what I've been doing :) Seriously though, sorry it's been bad for you!
snarkypants - 2004-02-04 09:12:39
Where y'at, Muse? Are you furiously writing your book or what? We miss you!
snarkypants - 2004-02-04 09:12:57
Where y'at, Muse? Are you furiously writing your book or what? We miss you!

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