
Janina - 2003-10-19 22:01:26
What pictures did you take? I bet they are good though! Sorry this sunday has turned out to be retarded, but maybe Monday will be better!
Janina - 2003-10-19 22:19:15
Wow, your pictures sound really neato! I know what you mean about what your friends say, and what a professional says. Like when i sing, my friends say i'm so awesome, but i still get really really really nervous when i have to sing in front of professional musicians and what not. I wanted to take photography, but music is so demanding, that i don't have time, but i've taken little pictures here and there witha disosable camera. lol! Pathetic, i know! But good luck tomorrow!!
Pam - 2003-10-19 22:35:19
Good luck tomorrow!!! You'll do fine. I have much faith in you, as I'm sure Bill and Claire do as well. How can you go wrong with that?

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