
Pam - 2003-10-04 11:17:52
Muse, great entry!!!! I lurve the vacation stories. I'm also roaring about my appearance on the public access show as 'Bea.' You rock.... P.S. I'm supposed to do a show for ol' Bill & Claire Oct. 25th - pray for mojo
Jenn - 2003-10-05 14:55:29
You are just too funny. I've been out of town all weekend, distracted by all of the cute boys at the football game. However, I am now committing my full attention to the matter of a name for our group. Well, I'll do that as soon as I figure out how to ace my interview tomorrow...
groovebunny - 2003-10-06 14:10:39
Girl vacations rule.:) I know what you mean about religion. I'm not a big one for it but I do love to look at churches, especially the stain glass windows. The crime fighting girls sound like fun. If I think of a name I'll be sure to post it here.:) Plus...thanks for the hugs. *hugs* back at ya.

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