
Lissa - 2003-05-06 21:19:55
I too am full of useless pop culture knowledge. My mom will call me to finish the stupid crossword puzzle in people magazine. lol. but it is useful information! it's fun! People can say something and it's a phrase from a song, and then you can sing the song! i do it all the time. lol. plus, always handy when someone asks for your number. you just tell them it's 867-5309 ;)
Manda - 2003-05-06 22:28:24
Hey, that song's catchy. *taps foot and snaps, completley oblivious to the fact that her mind, indeed, is also filled with useless pop culture*
Robyn - 2003-05-08 09:48:20
I haven't been on in a few days and the whole thing looks different...or is it me? I laughed so hard at this one that I almost spit mac and cheese and weenies all over the computer. (Yes, he's out of town again.) Anyway, by Friday I have to turn in 3 syllabi for the three classes I'm teaching next term, all of which are using new books, plus two of them meet two days a week and one meets five days a week, so it's really really complicated! Whaaaaaaaa! The reason I am telling you this is to let you know that I sympathize, because despite the fact that I have this big deadline looming, all I can do is sit at the computer and read Survivor recaps on TWoP. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm an accountant for crying out loud. I'm supposed to thrive on deadlines....I think I'm turning in to YOU!! : )

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